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My mission for Reiki

To give Reiju or Reiki empowerments to as many people as possible and to teach Jikiden Reiki to as many people as possible in order : To create strong and morally sound individuals thereby creating a more sound collective consciousness.   To make the world a better place to live in by empowering people to know that they are in-charge of themselves and their life situations.  As human beings, they have a lot of power over their reality Helping people to live in a medicine free society. Thank you Amit Singh - Shihan From Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto, Japan

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Learning and Practising Jikiden Reiki® Is Just Natural To Us

Manifestation Technique

Never give up or stop healing!

Learn & Pracitce Jikiden Reiki For Your Wellbeing - Reiki Class / Workshop in New Delhi

A Query made to us!

Working with Subtle Beings© Workshop

Jikiden Reiki® Seminar with Shihan Amit Singh in Delhi

Jikiden Reiki – Traditional Reiki – Refreshing, Simple and Clear

Jikiden Reiki - What is it?

Healing effects of Reiki by Hayashi Sensei 💖