Empowering Your Life With Jikiden Reiki

Begin a personal development journey. If you are ready and willing to heal your life, realize that you are in the driver’s seat. Think of ways to improve yourself, your relationships and your overall life every day.

Jikiden Reiki is an astonishing healing art that enables one to resolve issues dissolve sicknesses and heal at every level of ones being. 

Jikiden Reiki is deeply rooted in the mystical teaching passed on through the lineage of Mikao Usui sensei, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi sensei & Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi sensei.  

The practice of Jikiden Reiki reconnects the very core of our being to the divine source raising our vibration and amplifying our spiritual abilities. 

Jikiden Reiki will help you if you are a therapist, a healer, counsellor or a life coach by enhancing your ability to do healing, increasing your intuition & magnifying your spiritual energy.

You can learn Jikiden Reiki even if you have no prior experience with spiritual or energy healing.

Jikiden Reiki is fast, effective & beautiful!!!

To know more about Jikiden Reiki® Seminar or Book your Personal & Distance Healing Sessions:
Call 9953043651 or info@reikihealing.co.in
