Beautiful Water Crystal For Jikiden Reiki

Left: Water with the Kotodama 'Seiheki' | Right: Water given Jikiden Reiki

Mr. Masaru Emoto conducted experiments on the affects on water when exposed to good/positive words, bad/negative words, music, Jikiden Reiki, Kotodama 'seiheki', and much more. His innovative idea of crystallizing water made it possible to show how words affect water. Words have energy. Good words have good vibrations and give great energy. Since 70% of our body is made up of water so the vibrations of words ill affect the water circulating inside us. It becomes vitally important to use good words toward yourself and others. 

Mr. Emoto's experiment finally proved the existence of invisible energies. In quantum mechanics everything is described as being made up of the vibration of molecules. The human body, human thought, emotions are also transmitted via vibrations, which we call Hado in Japanese. And this distortion of Hado is the commencement of sickness.

This distortion must be what in Reiki call 'Byosen'. Mr. Emoto started using water to repair distortions by copying positive information to the water and having the ill person drink it for healing. In Jikiden Reiki, Byosen is found with hands and direct Reiki energy to that area for healing the distortion.

The formation of  beautiful 'Jikiden Reiki' water crystal makes me think, If Reiki can do that to water. Imagine what it can do to us. Human body consists of 60%-80% of water and water remembers. Regular practice of Reiki will help you to achieve a complete peace of mind and happiness 'Anjin Ryumei'- The Perfect Enlightenment.

Tadao Yamaguchi Sensei's efforts made possible to physically demonstrate Reiki Energy in the form of water crystals.

My deepest gratitude to Tadao Yamaguchi Sensei, President - Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai, Kyoto, Japan, for all his efforts & good work for spreading the light of Jikiden Reiki.
