What Makes Jikiden Reiki Therapy So Effective?

The effective healing of chronic sicknesses with Jikiden Reiki therapy is possible because of the understanding of Byosen. 'Byo' means 'sick' and 'sen' means 'accumulation'. It is this accumulated feedback that what one perceive in ones hand while giving a Reiki treatment.

Understanding the various aspects of this accumulation of sick energy in the body, kind of give us an edge in treating the sickness effectively.

There are mainly 5 types of Byosen feedback. This is taught in detail in a Jikiden Reiki Workshop.

Understanding & knowledge of Byosen will equip you to know how to go about the healing treatment, one can map the progress and even possibly know the duration the treatment might take and much more.

Come, enroll and empower yourself in Jikiden Reiki workshop. For information about workshops and therapy session :
Call 9953043651 or info@reikihealing.co.in

