Why do I have to learn Jikiden Reiki® from the beginning when I am already a Master (3rd degree) in Usui Reiki?

Why do I have to learn Jikiden Reiki® from Shoden (level 1) when I am already a Master (3rd degree) in Usui Reiki?💖

When Reiki went to the west Takata Sensei had to make several changes in order to help it adapt to the western world. Later on many techniques and symbols were added to try to make the practice of Reiki more effective. As a result of which many important teachngs were lost. Though, the efficacy of Reiki as it is taught in the west is undeniable yet Jikiden Reiki® is a powerful practice often producing astounding results. Jikiden Reiki® is deeply rooted in Japanese mysticism. It teaches the use of Shilushi, Kotodama and Jumon to do healing effectively. The heart of an effective Reiki treatment is the understanding of Byosen, the accumulation of toxin and how to engage with it to help the body heal and activate the body’s innate healing ability – Shizen Joka Sayo.

Even though one might be a Reiki master in Western lineage one needs to learn Jikiden Reiki from Shoden in order to gain a proper understanding of these concepts and eventually one can become a Jikiden Reiki Shihan (Teacher) or Shihan Kaku (Assistant Teacher).

Call 9953043651 or info@reikihealing.co.in to register or for more information.💖

